Recently I discovered a really FUN activity called a Virtual Paint Out where once a month a location is provided for artists of all abilities, ages and mediums who are invited to join in (via Google Street View) and find a location and submit a painting. It's just for fun, but it IS fun to watch the different location choices develop.
September's location was Manhattan Island NYC. I choose a spot in Central Park (not wanting to wander off the island and be disqualified on my first submission :) and decided to try my hand at a horse and carriage. Here are some of the photos with notes on WHAT HAPPENED along the way. Oh yea, I used pastels and I'm glad I did. I wiped out (literally) a horse and half a wagon, more than once.
Value Sketch to get started. |
My walking paths were wrong, so I moved the lower one. |
My horse was so BAD I couldn't share - he had to go. |
My horse is better now, but the carriage is TOO BIG! |
So I fixed it. (Gotta' love the pastels) |
Sunny Day on Central Park Driveway - 16"x12" - Pastel on Ampersand Board |
Below is a look at the Google Street View map where I found my subject. Once you find a subject I HIGHLY SUGGEST making a link (upper right corner of map window) and sending it to yourself. I would never have been able to find this again, if I hadn't done that. YES I left out the two people with baby strollers walking in the center. I struggled so with the horse, I didn't want to ruin it. If I ever go back, I may add them.
I am right now looking in Arizona for a location to have my (our) own Virtual Paint out so stay tuned if you'd like to join in.
Share the Joy.