Quick TABS to Joyful Stuff

Monday, March 15, 2010

First painting from series goes on Auction Block

As an experiment I have listed the first painting in this series FOR SALE on Ebay

Seriously it's just an attempt to get more traffic to my blog and my videos. But I swear last night I listed the painting (very quickly, and I already wish I had taken more time to do it better) and this morning "Tammy" on my FaceBook Fan page asked if I ever sell my paintings.

What's the chance of that? I decide to sell one about the same time someone asks if they are for sale. Anyway, I don't really think it will sell. It would be very exciting if it did. But I set the starting price at $50 just to NOT sell it and make it stay there longer. Does that make sense? I've been watching a lot of "how to use YouTube to drive traffic to your site" videos and such.

Speaking of what I've been watching . . . Last night I watched Episode #5 on series 2. My next painting. In it Bob used a tool I have never seen. It looked like a Power Drill. He was making trees, that required a lot of branches and sticks. So he said "I'm gonna cheat" and just picked up this tool and make a lot of branches very quickly. It looked like a pencil or crayon at the end of the Power Drill.

Does anyone know what that was?


Kay Zahn said...

OK well, that was a big DUD. I think there may have been a little extra traffic to the blog from Ebay but not much. I did have a small conversation with one man who said nice things and encouraged me to continue. So I guess it wasn't a DUD after all. What was I expecting? I'll do it again in a week or two and see if I can do better.

Anonymous said...

Been to art school and never heard of or seen the mystery tool. You're a madwoman and I love what you're doing!

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