Quick TABS to Joyful Stuff

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Series 2 #2 -Winter Sun

OMG - That was HARD. I forgot how to hold the brush, and my colors got all mixed. In the end I had lavender snow. BUT I DID IT. I broke the Ice with this Icy painting.

Sort of anticlimactic considering Valentine's Day and the Start of the Olympics and all, but my own little Victory none the less.  I had watched the episode a couple of times before starting.  I ran it once at regular speed with sound. That's the one that makes me drift off. Then again, muted.  Then I ran it in fast forward just to remember the scene we were going for.  Even after all of that preparation, I still fell behind Bob.  I had to pause him about 5 times throughout just so I could mix my paint (which I remembered that I'm horrible at) and then I ran out of white because I turned it all lavender with Alys.Crimson and too much Phalo Blue.  Oh Yea, AND since I am watching the earliest series the colors are not the same.  He's using Burnt Umber and I don't have Burnt Umber.  I know it's probably just like something else.  I need to Google that.*

Anyway, please enjoy the video.  I edited out a lot of "thinking" time, and of course sped it up 4x normal.  I still think it's a little long for enjoyment.  Next time I'm going to edit it down more so we are entertained, and not bored.

Share the Joy,

*Wikipedia : Burnt Umber was one of the frequently-used colours on the pallet of Bob Ross during early seasons of The Joy of Painting. Later he switched to mostly dark sienna for his lighter brown colours, while still occasionally using a Burnt Umber acrylic to under-paint some of his works.


Bobo the Chimp Inc. said...

Keep up the good work!!! I LOVE me some Bob Ross!!! My fiance actually took a Bob Ross class and turned out 2 paintings which now hang in our house. I think what you're doing is awesome!!!

Kay Zahn said...

Thanks so much. I'm really enjoying watching the old episodes. He looks so young. My husband is sweet enough to hang my paintings in his office while they dry. He says he likes them and I shouldn't take them down. I quickly dislike them as I inspect them too close, and when dry I take them down. I'm waiting until the day that I find one I like and keep it up. But thanks for the comments, it keeps me motivated.

Aunt Bea said...

Nice work, Kay!
I use Bob Ross' techniques when I underglaze ceramic ware. Blows people away that I can do stormy or snowy landscapes on egg trays and canisters! It's fun...

I have some artist 'friends' who kinda sneer at Bob Ross; they say his techniques are 'cheating' and don't really capture real life or real colors. I think they do. I also think everyone's an artist, and whatever inspires you works.

Kay Zahn said...

Exactly. And thank you. I did ceramics many many years ago with my grandmother. It was a lot of fun. Then once my daughter and I stopped at one of the new "you paint it" retail locations and we made a couple of items. I hadn't seen any painting classes at that time, and so I just used things to stamp designs on. . . but you've given me a great idea for next time. thanks for reading and commenting. I painted again today and I'm very unhappy about it, but I'm going to post it anyway . . probably tomorrow. Regards, Kay

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